Hello folks,
we have a storm warning for today, Friday 26/11/2021 from approx 2:30PM.
Please secure all displays and remove any loose items behind or next to the huts.
In the worst case scenario we will have to close the market. We will inform you of this verbally immediately.
Please check here regularly for further information. Please do not call or text unless it is unavoidable.
Thank you very much!
Author: editor-infoboard-edi
Health & Safety induction for take-down
we just got informed by the main-organizer that the safety-induction will be required again. Please follow the instructions below.
For the Strike we are using the online H&S induction same as Build:
It will generate a QR code which must be presented and scanned at Site Reception on arrival.
There will also be sign in sheets for crew and once scanned in they will receive a build/break wristband.
If the H&S induction was completed for the build, the same QR code can be used. Please make sure everyone is aware and anyone who hasn’t completes before 1st day on site.
The reception will be in the cabin opposite the Bothy Bar for the first couple of days – when mound begins to clear it will go back to being in the Sibcas cabin as per build.
Also please do not forget to bring hi-vis!
Many thanks,
Collection of links for moving out/take-down
End of market – Trader load info
Parking-plate: please fill in and display in vehicle
Amended opening-hours for Saturday, 4th; Reminder
We are happy to inform you that the market will be closing at 8pm instead of 10pm on Saturday, the 4th January 2019. This leaves us with more time for the take-down.
There are a few things to remember:
- Firstly, traffic management will be operating from 8pm tp 2am on Regent Road on Saturday and then again from 8am on Sunday, the 5th January. Please note that no vehicles will be allowed on site before 8:30pm on the 4th though.
- Secondly, if you haven’t sent us your bank details for the depostit already, please do so now. Without your bank details, you will not be refunded! You can either send them to louise.brenner@angels-event.com or to edi@angels-event.com.
Loading displays/stock
As there are more than 100 parties involved, please stick with the following procedures:
- We will not provide you with extra-staff for moving your stock! Please make sure you have enough own staff on site to move your stock to loading area along Mound Rd.!
- Please make sure you have a trolley or comparable to move your stock! We cannot provide pallet trucks or trolleys!
- Please pack up first, transport to Mound and then get your vehicle for loading!
- All vehicles have to display the parking plate including Company name and phone-number.
- If we find vehicles unattended, we will fine for blocking the loading-zone!
We will soon provide further information regarding Regent Road holding point.
Thank you for applying the rules!