Category: Edinburgh

Trader-passes required for Edinburgh market

Hi All,

The main organiser has advised that any person working at the market will need a pass to enter the market from tomorrow, Thursday 30th.
If you do not have one, please apply for one at the link below as soon as possible.

If applying until afternoon, passes should be ready this evening and will be forarded.

Many thanks,


Update on run-time of market Edinburgh

Hi All,

At the moment and until we announce otherwise, the market will run until its normal end on 4 January.
We ask you to refrain from enquiries and calls. If there are any changes, we will let you know immediately.

Thank you very much,

your Market-team

Edinburgh’s Christmas Covid-19 update

Hi All,

I hope this email find you all safe and well.

I want to make you aware of some changes to Edinburgh’s Christmas in reaction to the heightened ScotGov Covid measures.

From tomorrow on:

East Princes Street Gardens

At peak times the queue to Edinburgh’s Christmas will now be via the Market Street entrance to the park. All other gates will be EXIT only. Out with Peak times access to Edinburgh’s Christmas will remain the same as normal off peak days.

The capacity of East Princes Street Gardens is also being reduced to give more space on site at any given time and help our visitors feel more comfortable at this uncertain time.

All staff on site must wear face coverings except if exempt. Please note that you will have to provide proof for your exemption or you will be made to wear a mask. Supplying staff with fake exception lanyards in not acceptable and any traders or rides being found to do that will be fined.

All market traders

Food vendors MUST NOT have condiments for visitors to help themselves to – please remove all condiments or items in which visitors can collectively handle which could result in the virus being transferred.

I apologise if this email sounds at all heavy handed, but in order to remain open we really need to come together and make sure we are operating as safely as possible to protect our staff, visitors and ourselves.

Many thanks for your cooperation!

Your AEE market team

Closure of Edinburgh market

Hi all,

the market will stay closed for today, friday 26th.

By now we will open tomorrow regulary at 10AM. If any changes occure, amended opening-time will be displayed here. This affects all market areas.

Many thanks,
